Bienvendidos a Los Angeles
Inspired by true events, the film tells the timely story of Imani, a Nigerian single mother living in Los Angeles. When she offers to help a perfect stranger reunite with her son, Imani learns this simple act of kindness threatens to jeopardize her own path to citizenship.
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Filmmaker Statement

Some years ago, my close family friend, Elizabeth, planned to reunite with her 5-year-old son Chris, who’d been living apart from her in Mexico for more than four years. When Chris arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, he was detained by immigration. It was a harrowing and emotional night that inspired this short film. My small role in the ordeal, as the person who went into LAX to pick up Chris, became an education. As a white American, my understanding of the profound fear and uncertainty faced by many immigrants had been obscured by privilege. The truth had a lasting impact and became this film. I'm honored that Elizabeth trusts me to share her story.

Duration 17 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
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