Andrew Feeney - Vulnerable
A story about a talented Irish sing and songwriter. About vocations, fears and dreams.
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Filmmaker Statement

In 2022, Steffen and Reint ( went to Ireland (Galway) for a weekend to visit Andrew Feeney. A singer and songwriter with a big heart for Jesus. Both were curious about Andrew's choices as a musician, his great desire to reach people with his music and, at the same time, to be a good man and father at the same time. A short, but fragile story about a talented artist, in a country known for its stories, landscape and musicality. We were made to magnify the Maker with our talents; to lead a meaningful life. The fear of failing in other areas can always hold us back. And that while our loved ones say: go.

Techniques --
Duration 15 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
Language --