The heartwarming story of how the world's baldest man accidentally starts a moon-worshipping cult in a working men's club in South Wales.
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Filmmaker Statement

I wanted to create a film that celebrates the eccentricities of male communal spaces as much as it mourns their rapid decline. We live in an increasingly isolated age, one where we're now equipped with a language through which we can talk about our mental health, but we have few venues in which to speak it. In Bald, Jeff is an unwilling champion for the lost and adrift. He recognises that, for all his misgivings and apprehensions, he is performing a public good, and his doubts and worries are less important than the need to restore the social values of a bygone time. Jeff is content to do the most good he can in the best way he knows how, and that’s by reading his moonwords out down at the social club every Saturday and staying on for a drink after. He knows the small community that has formed around him is right. That feels right to him, much as it did when he was younger.

Techniques --
Duration 10 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --