Bury Your Fish
A young woman desperate to rediscover purpose in life takes guidance from a flashing light a block away.
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Filmmaker Statement

This script was created when I had just graduated college in the middle of the pandemic. Being locked inside alone and feeling crushed by lost job opportunities, I turned to screenwriting to make it through the days. Every day I sat down to write at my desk near a big window facing houses on the west hills. When I was looking for inspiration on what I should do next, I looked out my window at night and started to notice lights from some of the houses were flashing in strange patterns. I started imagining “What if the lights were trying to tell me something?”  “Bury Your Fish is a culmination of a year full of anxieties, fears, and learning to live in a constant state of uncertainty. As a recent graduate entering the world in this pandemic, things have felt pretty bleak and I’ve looked in for any “sign” of what to do next….  Why not look to the flashing light outside my window?

Techniques --
Duration 15 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
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Language --