Fag End
"Fag End" is an astute representation of the metaphorical death of a mother. The movie revolves around a girl named 'Tania', a victim of smoking and alcohol abuse, going through the process of IVF.
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Filmmaker Statement

"Fag End" delves into the intricate tapestry of human choices and their profound repercussions. As a director, my aim is to unravel the layers of addiction, loss, and the complex intersection of personal struggles and the potential for new life.The film revolves around Tania, a character ensnared in the clutches of smoking and alcohol abuse. These vices, like shadows, linger over her life, casting a pall over her aspirations and dreams of motherhood. Through meticulous storytelling, the movie guides the audience through the harrowing journey of In vitro fertilization, a process that symbolizes both hope and despair.The title, "Fag End," not only alludes to the remnants of a cigarette but also encapsulates the finality and inevitability of certain choices. Tania's struggle is not just an individual one; it is a metaphorical death, a profound exploration of the unborn lives affected by the reverberations of addiction.

Techniques --
Duration 17 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --