Two friends journey through a dangerous ritual that will test their friendship.
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Filmmaker Statement

We came of age as young men, surrounded by toxic masculinity. It was pervasive in many facets of our lives, from sports teams and youth groups to classrooms and friendship circles. We feel estranged from so many of the masculine postures and rites of passage in our current culture and felt that it was a topic we needed to engage with in our filmmaking. The dangers of a certain type of masculine culture run deep, and if we as men can hold up the mirror to ourselves and other men, we think there is real change to be had. We are numb to men behaving in ways that are hugely problematic, and this cannot be the world we live in. It is our job as filmmakers to get our audiences to engage with important cultural issues and we hope that it can have an effect on young men who are coming of age and struggling with the situations they find themselves in.

Techniques --
Duration 10 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
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