In the small hours of the night, Fran cold-calls men in search of a soulmate called Kafka.
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Filmmaker Statement

Kafkas is based on a short story by Marianne Wiggins. It is a superficially simple tale that couples comedy with dark anxiety. A first impression is of unsettling humour and the absurdity of the central idea. But as the story unfolds the curtain of absurdity is lifted revealing a deeply psychologically disturbed character. What at first seemed merely bizarre is understood as the warped logic of a clever and intellectual young woman who has gone down a surreal rabbit hole and got lost in it. My film doesn't question Fran’s choices. It leaves you to contemplate the plight of a lonely and abandoned soul. I knew from the outset that the character, Fran, had to be fully believable and empathetic. Stepping into the role with complete dedication Patsy Ferran, who delivers a compelling performance.

Techniques --
Duration 17 Minutes
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