La mujer de Héctor (Hector's Woman)
In 2018, a year after the landfall of Hurricane María, a young mother named Paola attempts to find herself as she wrestles with her responsibilities to her daughter and incarcerated husband.
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Filmmaker Statement

Hector’s Woman is a very personal story for me. Paola has the DNA of many important women in my life, people I admire that have given everything for their family. In the aftermath of María, I came to Puerto Rico and experienced intermittent blackouts. I’d be sitting with my family for dinner, or having a beer with friends and the electricity would go out for hours at a time. I was inspired by their resilience, their forward-thinking optimism after experiencing a cataclysmic event that left our home scarred. So I set out to make a story that is about a woman’s resilience and her personal journey to find herself underneath all the roles that have been thrust on her; that under mother, wife, lover, human, lies Paola and all the love she brings. In the face of cataclysm, we are alive, and we stand strong.

Techniques --
Duration 18 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --