Letting Daisy Go
A family gets ready to farewell their eldest daughter as she moves away from home.
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We can almost all relate to that exciting period in our life when it's time to move away from home. For me, I moved to the other side of the world, from Christchurch, New Zealand to London which was even more thrilling. So many possibilities and so many things to do. In Letting Daisy Go, I wanted to revisit a story about moving away that focused more on what was being left behind, not the exciting future ahead. Because obviously when we move there is something being left behind and it might be something special, that you don't necessarily want to leave. But we don't always leave somewhere because we want to get away. In this short film, I really wanted to draw out the feeling of excitement and possibility alongside the sadness and grief of saying goodbye. Perhaps the simplest, most cliché way to say it - to love is to let go. In this case to let Daisy go.

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