Miss Tracy
As Helen drives her younger sister, Tracy to the first day of her new job, tension grows when Tracy reveals that she isn't ready to abandon the unattainable Hollywood dreams that almost sank her.
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"Miss Tracy" is inspired by the pain that comes with following a dream and the toll it takes on loved ones. The script was written around the theme, "don't let your dreams destroy your reality." In our society, we repeat the success stories of athletes and artists who made it against all odds because they never gave up. However, no matter how hard we work, most of us will never be on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine or play in the NBA. Life circumstances usually force us to make the shift from following a dream to slipping into a more conventional career path, yet some of us resist and turn down a traditional and potentially meaningful life for a grueling long shot. Loved ones who have seen us heartbroken along the strenuous path toward our dreams will insist that it is time to throw in the towel. Are they right? Or should we always hang onto a chance that our dreams can come true?

Techniques --
Duration 10 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --