Robin and Raymond, deeply in love, have left the world behind and come to this isolated cabin to work on a project they believe will change the world for the better
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Filmmaker Statement

R&R to me is a story about the power of love; but power can be a dangerous thing. When I think about what fascinates and frightens me about the dark and weird natures people can have, I always come back to this thought that someone’s craziest idea is not only utterly normal to them, it’s buried at such a fundamental, subterranean level of their being that you might know them for years and not ever have it come up. I also believe there’s a kind of love that gives you the sense of suddenly being tuned into another soul’s frequency on a level that changes you. At a time like that, when your self is being mingled with another, a lot of strange ideas can be created. Who even remembers which one came up with them? All that matters is they share it now. Folie à deux, they call it in French. A madness of two. Romantic, but like I said, dangerous. We want this to be a beautiful film. But where that beauty leads…we hope to keep at least a few people up at night after watching it.

Duration 13 Minutes
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