The Clogging
A man at a party must do the unthinkable when he clogs the only toilet in the apartment.
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Filmmaker Statement

With "The Clogging," I wanted to create a short, anxious comedy film to which (unfortunately) most everyone can relate. Clogging a toilet can be both horrifying and hilarious, especially when it happens in the company of others, and I wanted this film to capture -- and dial up to twelve -- the darkly funny anxiety a moment like that can produce. Tonally, I wanted to avoid obvious and gross visual gags, aiming instead to toy with the audience through visual implications and rich sound design. My ultimate goal was to evoke visceral feelings in a surreal way, stressing out the audience and making them howl with laughter in equal measure. My team and I had a blast making this film. I hope audiences have a blast watching it!

Techniques --
Duration 4 Minutes
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