The Hostage
In the heart of New York City, a conflicted Chinese woman carrying an anchor baby finds strength with the support of her Spanish caretaker as she navigates the choice to seek an abortion.
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The title "The Hostage" is inspired by a poem I read a few years ago, and the story itself is rooted in a real-life experience of a friend. The decision of whether or not to become a mother is a constant question that women face, often influenced by societal expectations and personal introspection. As a female director, I am passionate about exploring this theme through a cinematic lens. In this film, I chose to focus on the journey of a Chinese woman who travels to America to give birth to an anchor baby. Every year, over 10,000 pregnant Chinese women travel to America, hoping to give birth to a child that will secure them a green card and, eventually, citizenship. Many arrive early in their pregnancies to avoid detection by border customs. This decision forces them to spend months in a foreign country, often in isolation and under great stress. Through this film, I want to zoom in on the life of such a woman. By confining the entire story to one apartment and incorporating elem

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Duration 7 Minutes
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