The Last Generation
A short documentary that explores the complex and ethical decision to have children in the current climate crisis.
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Filmmaker Statement

The Last Generation came from my personal feelings and anxieties towards the future due to the impact climate change is having and will have on life on earth. I would question how people can decide to have a child in spite of this huge threat we are currently facing, never mind the impact on the environment just through bringing a new human into existence. Conversations with both friends who felt the same, and friends who didn't, encouraged me to create something that explored the viewpoint of people who had decided not to have children, and the multitude of reasonings behind this. What really interested me beyond my personal stance was that there is no correct answer to the question of is it ethical to have children? Every viewpoint I came across during the process of making The Last Generation felt completely justifiable, even if it was miles away from my own.

Techniques --
Duration 8 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --