Todo Incluido (All-inclusive)
Eleven-year-old Fer travels with his family to a countryside resort a few hours outside Bogotá. Although Fer's father will be doing business, he has promised to make time for family fun, something that has been missing from their lives for a while.
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Filmmaker Statement

TODO INCLUIDO comes from recurrent childhood memories that kept coming as if something about them remained unsolved. Like Fer, I grew up seeing my father and stepmother repeatedly failing at trying to make our family work, trying to both recover from bankruptcy and from the scars my mother’s death had left all around us. TODO INCLUIDO has become my deepest attempt to stop blaming them for such failure and instead try to feel what they were going through back then. This film is also my most personal take on what has been the project of my previous works: portraying Bogota’s upper class and its deeply rooted mandate to keep its social status through money at all costs, no matter how corrupt. Showing the dilemma of money laundering I deal with this corrupt nature of Colombian society through a common trope of the popular representation of our culture. However, by shifting the focus from the spectacular tales of drug lords to the final days of a struggling family, I hope the viewer can follow these characters, without judgements, on their fragile and flawed pursuit of happiness.

Techniques --
Duration 21 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
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