Up in Arms
In the sanctum of the boxing ring, with bombs of war falling in Tel Aviv, Tom's toughest opponent is herself. She must take a risk and drop her guard to finally face love, death and motherhood.
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Filmmaker Statement

UP IN ARMS is an expression of the personal wars I faced as a lesbian mother, granddaughter, and partner in Israel. My writing/producing partner and I “came out” together in film school, and always knew we wanted to show characters we could identify with and who would inspire us with courage and love. And so we created Tommy–a young woman on an emotional edge, whose guard is up. We challenged her with as many of the same issues we have faced ourselves which are further dramatized by the pressures of our local daily life in Israel: constant war, racism, and politics. I wanted to show a world that is raw, unapologetic, and genuine, with a modern woman at the helm. Tommy faces a complex reality that teases her with anger and pain, but eventually guides her to love and acceptance. UP IN ARMS is learning how to grapple with wave after wave of challenges and choosing when to “put up our arms” and fight and when to let go, embrace, and love. For us here, love wins.

Techniques --
Duration 15 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --