'Wicked Boss,' is a thought-provoking short film, young and ambitious individuals find themselves trapped in a toxic workplace, under the oppressive rule of a tyrannical boss. As the film unfolds.
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Filmmaker Statement

"Wicked Boss" was born out of a commitment to unmask the harsh realities of workplace abuse and spark conversations that empower change. With an unwavering belief in the transformative power of storytelling, our film sheds light on the struggles of individuals facing oppression, advocating for entrepreneurship as a pathway to reclaim control over one's destiny. Through this narrative, we aim to inspire a collective shift in societal norms, fostering environments where abuse is no longer tolerated, and individuals are emboldened to pursue fulfilling, abuse-free careers. "Wicked Boss" is more than a film; it's a call to action for a healthier, more empowered workforce and a testament to the resilience of those who refuse to accept a culture of mistreatment.

Duration 23 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --