An Opening
When Rachel, a neurotic aspiring artist, discovers her new friend is a prominent art curator, she becomes obsessed with exploiting the connection.
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Filmmaker Statement

To be an artist, you just have to say it. “I’m an artist.” It’s like a magic trick. Sure, you should probably make some art too, but the hardest part is saying it — at least for us. The despair we have felt trying to claim our own self image as artists has always been something that made us laugh. I hope AN OPENING—a short film that explores just such a moment for Rachel, an aspiring ceramicist who has trouble saying what she does—will make you laugh, too, and cringe, and remind you that sometimes the easiest things in theory are the hardest in practice. Sometimes our biggest obstacles are ourselves. Just because we know the magic words, doesn’t mean we have the courage to say them.

Techniques --
Duration 15 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --