Breathing Happy
In 2021, against the backdrop of a recovering New York City the lives of individuals who have chosen to embrace hedonism through unapologetic expression and authentic connections is explored.
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Filmmaker Statement

I moved to NYC in 2021, months before graduating from University. Initially, I began recording strangers I'd encounter on the street or at restaurants as a means to meet new people and get to know them. During this process, I discovered there was continuity in all of our dialogue. Connecting with a community, freely expressing the self, and learning about the joys of being alive, were some of the wishes communicated to me. The word hedonism would come up during these conversations and I soon understood that it could look like many different things. Capturing the energy of that special Summer of 2021 became a necessary evil. I believed to be witnessing a new era of New York City unfolding and people wanted to talk about it. The artists and communities contributing to the heartbeat of the city opened up to me after being closed for so long. This presented an opportunity to observe and listen. - Nancy

Duration 29 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --