Cozy Eurekas
When Lipe starts playing the guitar again after many years, some flashes of memory start coming back to him from the time when he lost his parents. So he asks his uncle for help, but he tells Lipe he should go study abroad instead and that he should sell his parents' house to help him pay for it, since it reminds him of too much stuff he had to overlook in order to raise him in there. With all that on the table, Lipe starts asking himself, if his uncle is not actually trying to get rid of him instead.
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Filmmaker Statement

On my third short film, I took the time to consciously move away from all the anger and outrage that motivated my 2 first shorts. And, through that, a particular contrast between bitterness and sweetness revealed itself to me. So it was trying to embrace this interpretation of life's emotional ambiguity that we tend so desperately to run away from that motivated me to create this new project. After all, I see it as a love letter to life and everyone that took care of me until I could find myself out as an artist.

Genres --
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Duration 25 Minutes
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