For Hope
In the underbelly of Kentucky a young disabled girl’s world of structured harmony is kept afloat by her older brother, but at what cost?
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At its core, For Hope is a story of sacrifice. When we are faced with situations that cause us to do things we wouldn’t normally do for the sake of someone we love, scary things can happen. “Love is pretty word, but love don’t look pretty.” There is nothing on this earth like the relationship between siblings. There is love, resentment, rivalry, but at the end of the day, no one knows where you’ve been or what you’ve done like a sibling. What would you be willing to risk so that your sibling could thrive? For some of us, a phone call is too much. This is a story about a brother willing to risk everything so his sister can live.

Techniques --
Duration 20 Minutes
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Age Rating --
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