gog and magog
Bizarre politicians are dragging the world into a hallucinatory war! two lunatic presidents.with inflated egos and madness of aggrandizement are dragging the world into a doom war..
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gog and magog – Available script Feature script: 138 pages Tv series script: 30/60 minutes(320 pages) Gog and Magog Genre-fiction, Comedy, political Satire, Bizarre leaders, Fake Media, Unscrupulous Politicians ,Hollywood Superstars. https://youtu.be/SIZmx0t1JhQ SHORT ANIMATION LINK Gog and Magog Bizarre politicians are dragging the world into a hallucinatory war! In the nearest future, on the land of the hot wide desert and in the two capital cities of the two lunatic presidents. The two superpowers' leaders with inflated egos and madness of aggrandizement, and the madness of controlling the world are dragging the world into a delusional, crazy, and uncontrollable doom war.

Techniques --
Duration 3 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --