Louis-Henri, 81, will not go moose hunting this year. His grandson, Sasha, will leave without him for the first time.
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For the Frigons, hunting is a family affair that forges and solidifies ties between generations. This is particularly true for Louis-Henri and his grandson, Sasha-Xavier, who gather in the forest every autumn in the hope of emerging triumphant. The truth is rare opportunity for a grandfather to spend so much time alone with his grandson. Salut chasseur underlines this tradition, which has transcended time, by presenting what it really means to Louis-Henri and Sasha-Xavier. Like a bridge linking the two sides of a generational divide, this annual opportunity to come together for a common purpose reveals the most fundamental needs on both sides. However, the film is set in a particular context; this fall, Louis-Henri didn't go hunting. Stalking moose is particularly physically demanding, and as he turned 81, the old man made no secret of the fact; he knew that his long hunting career was bound to come to an end. Sasha-Xavier went hunting without his grandfather for the first time.

Techniques --
Duration 18 Minutes
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Age Rating --