In "July." Tarjei meets his old friends during the summer holidays, some years after high school. But when the group is faced with a hard choice during a childish game, things start to escalate.
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Filmmaker Statement

I grew up in perhaps Norway's largest student city. In the summer, the students are gone and on the hottest days it's so deserted that you often feel like you are in the apocalypse. You are alone against the world, and time is experienced differently. I wanted to create the feeling that time stands still, like a single long summer day. By jumping in time and place between each scene, we play tricks on our sense of place and the film appears more fluid. This creates an atmosphere that feels alluring, youthful and delightful. But when the unpleasant situation arises, you want to get away from there as quickly as possible. I think it was the summer between seventh and eighth grade that I participated in my first (and only) window pane smashing. There were six of us present and we all ran away. No one thought to check if anyone was home. Later I thought about how a similar situation would have turned out if we were more mature and more morally responsible people.

Techniques --
Duration 17 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --