Last Orders
A pub landlord with a dark past gets an unsettling visit one evening.
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We made 'Last Orders' for a very low budget whilst the UK was in lockdown due to Covid. We had next to no money, but what we did have was access to an old creepy pub, which couldn't open due to the Covid restrictions, so we wanted to utilise what we had and use this small window of time to create something. I wanted to create a horror film that makes you think, but without preaching to the audience. Stylistically there were some itches I really wanted to scratch with the supernatural genre, and I got to do that with 'Last Orders'. One of my main priorities with the film was working with the actors to create intriguing characters. Pacing-wise it was an odd script, so I knew it would all hinge on performance, particularly with the opening scenes.

Duration 21 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
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