Meditations on Ecclesiastes
The sun rises and the sun sets. The strivings of man flash before our eyes. All the while, the stream continues to flow.
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We are all building a kingdom. Your house, your career, your friendships, your experiences. Small kingdoms, big kingdoms. We build these kingdoms to make sense of our place here, to feel like we are leaving a mark, or at least deriving purpose from our actions. But the reality is that it's all vaporous. It will all fade away in the onslaught of time. And that's freeing, because it takes us out of the vicious cycle of striving for purpose and then being subjugated by it. It takes us away from our egos, because none of us can really mark this world forever. Thus, we must look higher for something that can actually make sense out of all of this. I like to think that we are vapor that has been evaporated by the harsh sun of this world which beats down on us, day in and day out. Maybe we've mixed with other toxic gases along the way. But in the end, we will condense and be purified. Our formless existence will be made solid again, and we will join the stream of life which has no end.

Techniques --
Duration 8 Minutes
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Age Rating --