My Family (我的家人)
A young man is waiting to die in his bathroom. Yet, he can have no relief from his unsuspecting family members, as they still converse with him from outside the bathroom door.
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Filmmaker Statement

It was years ago, I remember, when my brother came out to me. He held my hand as he poured his pain and suffering onto me; I couldn’t understand so I listened. Here was a man who was embarrassed and frightful at every turn. Here was a man who was confused and conflicted at his own identity. Hence, he built up walls around himself. My brother was extremely hurt when mother tried to reassure him that his sexual preference for men was just a temporary phase. You see, my parents were conditioned to perceive a same-sex relationship as something out of the ordinary, and obviously no parents would ever want their son or daughter to turn out wayward. Here was a mother who loves her son deeply; she tried to help, but only created greater conflict and alienation. Coincidentally, it was also my mother who had told me a quirky story of a feuding, dysfunctional family of four (my relatives, actually) who managed to put their differences aside for a brief moment, banding together and facing an unw

Duration 7 Minutes
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