No Clouds In My Summer
During a heated argument with his girlfriend, Tom's memories begin to splinter & merge with his present.
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Experiencing my first heartbreak was an exercise in introspection. The breakup was sudden and precise. The thoughts that followed were discombobulating and intrusive. My emotional state was constantly in flux. As I continued to recall memory after memory, I felt the context of those memories change. While happy memories initially became filled with regret, I also felt the opposite as time elapsed. It became hard to say whether anyone was even wrong and the question of what went wrong became increasingly uninteresting. Were we a good fit? Why did we grow apart? What was the anchor of our relationship? These questions became more interesting to think about over time and they eventually formed the basis for “NO CLOUDS IN MY SUMMER”. Outside of telling the story of a young couple falling in and out of love, “NO CLOUDS IN MY SUMMER” seeks to visualize the distortion and fragmentation of memories after experiencing a breakup. Tom, who is experiencing heartbreak for the first time himself,

Duration 14 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --