Romance Package for Two
The monotonous life of Cleo and Judy, a queer couple who run a kitschy love motel, is thrown into disarray when Cleo falls for a visiting dominatrix.
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Filmmaker Statement

As an adolescent and young adult, I was starved for content about the queer community. I took in everything I could find, from European arthouse fare to the pulpiest exploitation flicks. After years of feeding this hunger, I’ve noticed that films about queer women often follow certain patterns. They’re sensuous and romantic, and conflict tends to come from outside sources – unaccepting families, men, society writ large. Movies like this helped me become who I am today. But where are the films for the angry, jealous, hot-headed queers who self-sabotage, who hurt each other, who lash out at an unforgiving world by way of their lovers and partners? ROMANCE PACKAGE FOR TWO is my effort to fill in this gap. I’ve been hurt by queer people just as they’ve hurt me; after all, a relationship is a relationship. ROMANCE PACKAGE FOR TWO isn’t a film to glorify queer love but rather to humanize it.

Duration 14 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --