A comedian's break-up leads her to a surprising journey with a community of LARPers.
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Filmmaker Statement

For a long time, I have had a fascination with experimental documentary and docufiction. I love films that playing with the form and tell non-fiction stories in a subversive way. I have tried many times to take a stab at it on my own, but I feel I really found the right tone with this project. This film started as an exploration of myself, after having a heartbreak. I was inspired to do this when I was speaking to a friend and she said “you are having one of the most relatable experiences on earth right now.” In my depressed episode, I was having trouble feeling creative, and it didn't occur to me that it was something people would connect with. So I started to film my life. Since I am a comedian and performer, I participate in my films. The film ultimately led me to a bizarre new experience with a group of LARPers where we met an older couple who have an amazing story. The emotional arc of the film starts with the sadness of heartbreak, becomes silly, and then becomes heartfelt at the end. This film is about not being able to face reality, and then connecting with a group that purposefully doesn't face reality in a way that is surprisingly healing.

Techniques --
Duration 18 Minutes
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Age Rating --
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