Self Discovery
This LGBT sci-fi psychological thriller tells the story of a woman grappling with suicidal ideations, trapped in a mundane, Groundhog Day-like existence who begins unraveling after reading a self-help book, Self Discovery, that unleashes her worst fears. As she reads the book, she starts seeing her own doppelgänger, a malevolent version of herself that begins taking over her life. The doppelgänger drives her to the brink of madness as she struggles to escape its grasp. [Spoiler Alert] As the film reaches its climax, the protagonist realizes the book itself is haunted, and desperately attempts to ride herself off its curse. In the final scene, she leaves the book in a public library nook on her street. The ominous ending leaves audiences on the edge of their seats as a man picks up the book, hinting at the possibility of a sequel. Self-Discovery is a dark and twisted exploration of the human psyche, tackling themes of mental health, identity, and tropes of the self-help culture on social media. With its gripping storyline, standout performances, and haunting visuals, Self-Discovery promises to be a must-see for fans of psychological thrillers, immersing viewers in a world that blurs the line between reality and madness.
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Filmmaker Statement

This film was made purely for the love of filmmaking, shot for a very low budget in just a week. We both poured our hearts and souls into this project.

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Duration 33 Minutes
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