After an agoraphobic scientist accidentally creates a baby-like plant creature, their connection threatens to upend his reclusive way of life.
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Filmmaker Statement

Sprout is a film about isolation. I made this film in my time living alone in the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a reflection on the combined comfortability and loneliness brought on by spending large amounts of time alone at home interfacing with technology. At times incredibly nice to be surrounded by comforts and not challenged, it also breeds fear of risk and experiencing the world. I wanted to create a character that is driven by those emotions, then forced into a scenario where he is challenged by one of his own creations. I wanted to make a film that was not only about the isolation and loneliness of the years since the pandemic, but also about the isolation and loneliness of being an animator. A little reminder that the world can be dangerous, but is also full of an incredible amount of beauty that you can miss if you don’t open yourself up to it.

Duration 8 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --
Language --