Super Diva!
When the ghost bike is stolen from her mom’s memorial, a ten year old legal enthusiast must save her father from losing faith in the founding principles of The Neighborhood Watch.
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I remember moments as a kid when I caught a glimpse of humanity in an adult -- when I saw a flicker of fear or despair in their eyes, and they appeared not just as figures of authority but flawed and struggling creatures. These moments can be terrifying, but also empowering -- you have the opportunity to rise to the occasion, to perhaps help the person who until then you saw as your protector. I've been thinking often about this feeling over the past few years -- when I witness mass shootings, police brutality, or a government struggling to navigate a pandemic. When we realize that none of our institutions are perfect, we lose confidence, and we feel it's up to us to protect family and friends -- through activism and protests, debates about stricter gun laws or defunding the police, vigilantism, etc. Super Diva! explores -- with a humorous tone -- how we react when we begin to doubt the authorities whose protection we used to take for granted.

Duration 14 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --