Tale of Two Brothers
Simple times of joy and bliss are now that of just memories and daydreams. Apocalypse ravages the world outside the bunker, and an unlikely duo braves the carnage to report their findings back home.
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Filmmaker Statement

This short film was created as part of the Knoxville Film Festival’s 7 day shootout competition, a contest where filmmakers have 7 days to write, shoot, and edit a 4-7 minute short film. Teams were assigned a genre at random, and then given 7 full days to get to work. Our team was given survival, and we decided the best way to capture true survival was to put the viewer right in the middle of it. We opted for a one-take shoot where you don’t miss a second of the brutal world our characters are up against, feeling everything they feel. As technical of a project as this was, we truly believe we were able to capture what our apocalypse looks and feels like.

Techniques --
Duration 7 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --