The Ben I Am
A disgruntled filmmaker confronts what he believes to be the biggest issue facing his college campus: the 36 Bens that share his name...
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[Used spaces as paragraph breaks do not work in this form]       Dear Ben,     As you may have noticed, you have something of great importance, something that defines your personality, the company you keep. Something that you hold with you until the day that you die. Of course I am talking about your name, Ben (or Benjamin, we’re not exclusive).                             I have noticed that this is something we have in common. Around the world, millions of Bens spend our days living fantastic lives, all linked together by a shared name. To highlight this beautiful phenomenon, I decided, with help from my friend Benjamin, to create a documentary about all of the Bens that I know that exist on my college campus!                As a fellow Ben, you understand better than anyone the joys and struggles of sharing a name with others: this is not something to regret, but rather something to look at head on. Be proud of our name: it's one of celebration (on a side note – you are invited to the annual Ben Gala held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, non-alcoholic drinks will be provided). After the world watches this film, when we introduce ourselves, no longer will anyone say “oh your name is Ben.” They’ll shout with joy, “oh, your name is Ben.”           Watch our film, Ben – the world is watching us. Sincerely,              Ben

Techniques --
Duration 60 Minutes
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