The Toms
In a world run by Toms, an isolated man named Tim risks his identity and his life by trying to infiltrate their secret society because he feels that his name is close enough.
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Filmmaker Statement

The Toms is about exclusion. Isolation. The pressure society puts on us to conform. It's about the lengths to which people will go to fit in with a group they deem desirable. The film's protagonist, Tim, represents an outsider, and he goes to extreme lengths to transform into someone he is not, for which he pays the ultimate price. I wrote this story initially because I kept meeting people named Tom, and as I explored further what began as a comical concept, a deeper meaning emerged, as well as themes of conformity, vapidness, and isolation. Dark, yet comedic in nature, I hope this film shows people that they can truly be themselves—by showing them what could happen if they're not.

Duration 9 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --