To Be Frank
To Be Frank explores authenticity and community in surfing via Frank Paine, a 73-year-old South Bay icon and humble local legend whose life orbits around a two-block stretch of beach. His unforgettabl
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Filmmaker Statement

As a lucky participant in this vibrant Hermosa Beach surf community, Frank has continued to inspire me daily in and out of the water, and quite frankly has changed my life and perspective on friendship. Telling his story, and the greater story of our special familia, felt like a matter of when, not if, and with the help of longtime Hermosa surfer Morgan Sliff, we set out to create something that not only did Frank’s infectious spirit justice, but explored the greater question of how we can all live an authentic life. The film was a joy to make - we all already hang out, talk surf, eat burritos, and listen to Frank’s silly jokes and wise musings. All we really had to do was bring the camera and press record ,and the magic that is Frank and the Familia did the rest of the work for us.”

Techniques --
Duration 12 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --