We Think We Should Not Be Friends Anymore
Tonight, Connor and Claire have decided to “break up” with their close friends. But when they show up having corrected their normally irksome behavior, Claire begins to question their decision.
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Filmmaker Statement

This film comes from the experience of friendships growing apart. I think it's an extremely guttural, universal experience and I wanted a way of expressing those feelings. I had a friend, at the time of writing it, that I wanted to "break up with" but I couldn't find the gumption. I think that's why it became so important for me to make this film, à la: "write a letter and don't send it". I know I've been that friend to other people, and I'm sure I'll have friends in the future I feel similarly about, so I used this film to explore both sides of that cloud.

Techniques --
Duration 10 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --