Matias and Franco, two Argentinians who are passionate about football, come to Brazil on a ride to follow the team they love: Chacarita Juniors. In “Yuta”, after suffering violence and police abuse, they both decide to strike back at the aggressors, even if it means the end of their lives.
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Filmmaker Statement

“Yuta” is a personal investigation of mine for as long as I can remember. The passion for football and how it reflects and participates in different aspects of society has always fascinated me. When I started writing stories I had no doubt that this was a subject I wanted to talk about for the rest of the my life. Embodying this passion, I created Matias and Franco, two supporters of Chacarita Juniors, a team from Buenos Aires. Apparently a city far from where I live (São Paulo), Buenos Aires and Argentina have always been part of my history and their fans culture made me create characters in that nationality. In confrontation with all this passion: the police authority. It has always been and will probably always be a football fan's greatest enemy. The one who doesn't let him enter the stadium with his flag and asks the fan to calm down in the moments of more passion and ecstasy. Yuta summarizes all this theme and also works with several other issues of our society, such as Latin American identity and xenophobia. A movie that starts out fun, with characters that run away from usual and ends with suspense and tension. Hope you enjoy!

Techniques --
Duration 15 Minutes
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